Friday, March 4, 2011

Garden On My Mind

How does the song go? Georgia Garden on my mind?? I like my words better. :) It seems with spring coming a bit early in our area that gardening is all that I'm thinking about. We've started our seeds in the mini greenhouse. We've planted the sweet peas outside and we're even trying a little experiment and planted a few potatoes to see what they do this time of year.
We've got big plans for our garden and backyard this year. We normally work out of 3 raised beds but we've decided to till up the whole backside of our backyard along the fence and make the garden even bigger. Our hope is to grow enough veggies throughout the growing season and maybe...just maybe we can continue to eat on them in the winter months. And...if you really want to dig deep into our dreams you'll find that we're hoping to be able to save enough money throughout the summer months that maybe come winter we can purchase a larger outdoor greenhouse. This little mini indoor one we have just isn't cutting it.
With all this being said-of course my macro photos for Friday go hand and hand with this post.
I'm posting this one for it's sheer beauty. I love these colors together and having these fresh flowers in the house have given the living room a wonderful aroma.
And this marco picture is of one of our our sweet baby tomato plants. I love it's prickly little baby hair. I also love watching it grow knowing that in a few short months it will provide us with more tomatoes then we probably know what to do with.
Blogging from Bolivialivingwiththelowrys


  1. Look at you! LOVE that macro, and it's so exciting that you've decided to bigger this year.

  2. Good luck with your garden. We've been working in the flower beds (well my husband and boys have). The thought of home grown tomatoes makes me really happy! Love your flower macro. Beautiful colors!

  3. You're so awesome - I so wish I had a green thumb. My grandmother used to have the most wonderful garden that provided us with all the veggies we could eat all summer long. I can remember hours on the back deck watching her snap beans as we would play and we'd eat tomato sandwiches for lunch almost every day. Gardening is definitely an area where I am lacking and have much to learn - I think it's a wonderful thing to teach children too!

  4. Thank you for the sweet comments! Its all about trial and error. When we started we really had no clue what we were doing. Another very good reference is "The Vegetable Gardener's Bible." Love it! :)

  5. The colors in the first shot are just so vibrant, so lovely!

    I love your macro, too --those tiny hairs on the plant. :)

  6. I get National Geographic Traveler and there was this article about farm vacations. Once I am done with the magazine (which may take awhile-I have 0 time) I will mail you the article.

  7. Thank you for the color!! My yard is still under 2 ft of snow. The POV on that tomato shot is really cool. Now you've got "Georgia on my Mind" in my mind. Ray Charles-best way to imagine it.

  8. Love those little "hairs" On your baby tomato plant. Very cool.

  9. The hairy little stems are just too cute! Great caputre against the bright background. Thanks for sharing these.


  10. Is so much fun to just watch things grow that you planted!

  11. Oh I can see the start to a great garden. Hope to see the harvest later. V

  12. Gorgeous! I love the macro shot of the stem. I'm so excited for spring! Thanks for linking up!

  13. Those purples & pinks -- that's enough to make anybody ready for spring!!

  14. fantastic macros, I love the hairs on your tomato plant, so well captured. Good luck with your gardening.

  15. You're making me think I'd better plant some tomato seeds very, very soon! :)

  16. Gorgeous photos. I love them.
