This week has been all about the K-meister! Six! It is so hard to believe he is six! We kept the whole party idea pretty quiet this year and decided to head over to a friends house for a cook out, cake and presents. The dude made out like a bandit! Bike, roller blades, money, new wallet, Wii games, DS games, a GA jersey that he hasn't taken off in 3 days now....I think I'm going to have to sneak it off to wash it in his sleep.
This is how his birthday morning started:
and this is how it ended:
Two cakes! Yes, one to take to school which is seen above and then the other for dinner.
No, we're not crazy! He didn't get drums for his birthday. He did enjoy playing them though! From the looks of this picture he seems like a natural.
And that's it! Another year done...another year older. It's crazy how fast time flies.
In other news we've settled in quite nicely from our camping trip. The dogs, kids, and of course us adults were all exhausted! We've enjoyed somewhat of an unproductive week.
That picture in the middle of E is a new fun app I've found on my iPhone. When I need a good laugh I just pull that picture up.
And of course, lets not forget the chickens, as they do feel like they rule the roost!
These little girls are getting bigger and bigger everyday! You can see in that bottom picture that little BBQ is about ready to fly the coop.....So with that being said-it's pretty obvious what we'll be doing this weekend. Yep, building them their new coop for outside. We are going to attempt to build them something called a chicken tractor. Wish us luck! I'm sure I'll be back with pictures and hopefully no stories of loss of fingers in the process.