Friday, December 31, 2010

Here's to the end of a really good year...

2010...When I think of 2010, I think of, "The Year of the Gnome."
When I think of 2010 I also think of, "The Year of the Snow."
2010 was a great year!!! We laughed:

and of course then there were times when we cried:
2010 provided us with some really great trips:
and more importantly it provided us with some really great times at home:
I started this year with a 5 day old baby, a 3 year old little boy, and a husband with a new job after being laid off from his other employer thanks to the economy. I worried about how we were going to make it. I daydreamed about all we were going to do...and I woke up each and every day this past year watching my boys grow and hit important milestones, living through both fun and scary experiences, and growing up so much myself.
I look forward to what 2011 has to offer. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not scared...or that I'm not sad to see this current year go. The unexpected is...well the unexpected and you never know what lies ahead of you. I do know that we have some great things ahead of us. We celebrate our 5th year of marriage with great family at a cabin in a month. We'll watch our oldest son go off to real school this year and our youngest baby will enter into the stage of the "terrible twos." 2011 promises to be full of new promises, difficult challenges, and great fun....And I can't wait! Here is to you and your family on this New Years! 2010 you were good to us! Cheers!!


  1. Man I didn't realize how much snow we got this year. Happy New Year Jess.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful year despite the ups and downs.

  3. That photo of you and your youngest gets me every single time.
    What a great look back - Cheers to the new year!

  4. Aww. I love this post. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  5. Hey I gave you an award on my blog. :D If you want me to send you a link to make that button smaller let me know. :)
