Monday, January 10, 2011

Macro of our snow storm

The south is in a very unusual snow storm. Our area that gets excited over 2-3 inches once or twice a year is expecting 9-12 by the end of the day. Needless to say we are all very excited in this household. I plan on taking pictures through out the day but while waiting for the baby to go down for a much needed nap I wanted to post a Macro shot of our current snow situation.
I just wish I could have gotten the picture a little more clear...
Happy Monday & for everyone in the south...Enjoy the snow!


  1. Margaret Burns-MaherJanuary 10, 2011 at 9:06 AM

    Well done Jessica! I wish I could take a macro of a piece of frozen rain here! Not much to talk about but mom is enjoying it in Camden. We may see some light snow this morning but light freezing rain is coming down now. I almost slipped letting my dog out...he actually ran back in when his pads hit the ice. Well school and snow make everything fun!

  2. I think that is a GREAT shot.. enjoy the fun! All the school sare closed around us, but not us.. plus my girls are home with fevers and sore throats..Stay safe..

  3. Here in Sweden, we have o lot of snow. I'm longing for Spring! A nice photo!

  4. So neat!!! Love it!


  5. Great shot. The weather is a bit crazy this year so far!

  6. You did great! I'd know snow-I 'enjoy' it 6 months of the year!
