Saturday, January 8, 2011


This picture was taken on our White Christmas. I've been holding on to it not really knowing what to do with it...Here we await another wild winter storm that should hit us sometime tomorrow night. We are so excited! My family loves to be outside doing fun activities...Whether it is playing in the snow, camping on the lake, going for a walk in our neighborhood on a bright sunny day, or just playing football in the backyard. Days when we're outside are our happiest days. Bring on the snow!

I need to edit this post a bit to add my "resolution" for the year. I don't really make resolutions but I do vow to spend as much time outdoors with my family as possible. So far this year we have a cabin trip in the mountains planned, a camping trip for my son's 5th birthday, a week at the beach this summer and I'm sure there is much much more to come!

Ni Hao Y'allPhotography love...


  1. I love how you captured that drop of water! Great shot!

  2. Oh, this is just awesome.. that water droplet, wow!

  3. Ohhhhhhh that's an amazing macro - I would love to have shot that one!

  4. This awesome, Jessica!

    We are supposed to get more snow tonight and tomorrow. Can you believe it?! What a winter!

  5. Great Shot!

    I so wish I enjoyed outdoorsy stuff more... actually I do enjoy it, I just won't initiate it... left to my own devices, I stay inside, but whenever someone gets me out, I always have fun!

  6. Awesome capture!!

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  7. I love this picture. Such a beautiful sight to see on Christmas. I love that you are going to spend time outside with your family this year. You have the best ideas : ) I love your blog! Love. Love. LOVE!

  8. that water droplet is perfect. so beautiful.

  9. Gorgeous shot! Makes me want to hunker down inside... we've got a snow storm coming too!
    Happy Sunday!

  10. Such a beautiful photo and I agree with you.
    Nature is the best medicine in the purest of forms.

  11. I am absolutely speechless! Beautiful!

  12. Great picture... always make special times with your babies they grow too fast... blessings.

  13. I love this, what a great shot! I like your resolution too - fun!
