Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wordless(ish) Wednesday with two of my boys

I had the MOST ANNOYING afternoon. I get off of work early to take the baby in for his 12 month shots. My appointment is at 3:45 and I do the good thing and show up about 10 mins early. Well after waiting for over an hour and watching the waiting room empty out I finally get called back. I was thinking, "Thank Goodness!!!" Rush to get into the room to sit and wait some more. The baby is annoyed, tired, hungry (and of course I have nothing), my patience that I'm lacking on a normal basis is all but gone and I try to calm my self before I stick my head out and ask what in the world could possibly be going on!?!? FINALLY at 15 after 5 the Dr comes walking in. At that point I'm holding a baby asleep in my arms and the first thing the Dr says is, "ooooh, he's not looking too good, I think we may have to hold off on those shots." You've got to be kidding me at this point!! Of course he isn't looking good. I'm sure I look like an angry housewife who's hair is about to go from brown to grey-I can't imagine what my 1 year old looks like. Lo and behold though he finds another excuse to not give shots and in the end we walk away a little over 2 hours later having achieved nothing.
I'm in a mood at this point and ready to hang the next person that crosses me....but when I get home and baby and Daddy see each other-this is my view. How could anyone stay in a mood after this!?
Duff (that I teasingly call my husband) hates it due to his double chin....but who's looking at him anyways!? I love the pure joy on my baby's face when he's in the arms of his Daddy. Love it!
Wordish WednesdayLovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire


  1. That is just the sweetest photo! I'm glad it made you cheer up and I hope the next visit goes smoother!

  2. BEAUTIFUL photo! Love it.
    Sorry about your experience at the ped. today -that totally sucks.

  3. This is so super sweet. Just melts the heart. :)

    Sorry about the wait-for-nothing, ugh.

  4. This picture is absolutely adorable! I have had many very similar doctor visits, they are the worst!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Oh, melt! How incredibly sweet!! That little smile says it all!

    I hear you on the Dr's office thing...I really dislike the office we found here and apparently so does everyone else, because they have hardly any patients which means hardly any wait. And to be in and out for shots for two kids within 20 minutes is the only thing that's keeping us there!

  6. I hate that. I seriously hate that we're at the doctor's office for like 3 hours to do a well baby visit that takes a few minutes.

    You're right. I didn't look at your husband (no offense) or his chin. I saw the baby's sweet expression and the precious moment between them.

  7. OHHH! I have had SO MANY of those visits myself in my life. It's crazy to have to wait a long time when YOU'RE there let alone a kid who's hungry and tired and restless. LOL

    But the photo is DARLING and I hope you have a wonderful tomorrow!

  8. Oh, goodness! Too sweet, Jessica. I love it.

    We will definitely do a garden, but we are still hoping to move (just to Acworth), so not sure which house it will be at. :)

  9. That story irritates me just reading it! I The doctors i used to go to was almost ALWAYS running late, it was ridiculous. We'd wait 2 hours just to get a script for an antibiotic..so annoying. Anyway, glad everything was washed away..to some extent..when you got home :) That is a BEAUTIFUL shot!

    Love your blog!

    Have a wonderful day,

    K xx

  10. Oh, that's poster worthy!

    But I'd still be looking for a new ped!
